Hi everyone,

After a year of preparation and hard slog, together with my colleague Gabriele Bammer, I���ve prepared a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Ignorance. The MOOC is based on my work on this topic. Gabriele���s contributions focus on the roles of ignorance in complex problems.

The course presents a comprehensive framework for understanding, coping with, and making decisions in the face of ignorance. Course participants will learn that ignorance is not always negative, but has uses and benefits in domains ranging from everyday life to the farthest reaches of science where ignorance is simultaneously destroyed and new ignorance created. They will discover the roles ignorance plays in human relationships, culture, institutions, and how it underpins important kinds of social capital.

In addition to video lectures, discussion topics, glossaries, and readings, I���ve provided some html-5 games that give hands-on experience in making decisions in the face of various kinds of unknowns.�� The video lectures have captions in Chinese as well as English, and transcripts of the lectures are available in three languages: English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. There also are Wiki glossaries for each week in both English and Chinese.����It���s free and open to everyone. I���ve designed the course to be short enough that other instructors can include it as a component in their own course, and fill the rest of their course with material tailored to their own discipline or profession.

The course will be provided in two five-week blocks. The first one begins on June 23, 2015 and the second on September 22, 2015. There are a lot of MOOCs out there, but there is no other course like this in the world. And ignorance is everyone���s business.��You can watch the promo video��here��or you can go straight to the registration page��here.

Kind regards,
Dr. Michael Smithson
Research School of Psychology, Bldg 39, room 215
The Australian National University
Canberra, A.C.T. 2601 AUSTRALIA

P: +61 2�� 6125 8356
F:���� +61 2�� 6125 0499
W: �� My academic webpage
My new multivariate statistics book (with Ed Merkle) can be found here.
Check out my art website.
Check out my ignorance and uncertainty blogs here or here.��