WPMSIIP 2013 (5-10 Sept 2013, Lugano, Switzerland) Sixth Workshop on Principles and Methods of Statistical Inference with Interval Probability http://ipg.idsia.ch/wpmsiip2013
Dear friends and colleagues,
The Imprecise Probability Group (ipg.idsia.ch) at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA) organizes a workshop on principles and methods of statistical inference with interval (and more generally imprecise) probability. This workshop is a follow-up to five earlier WPMSIIPs held in Durham (2008, 2010), Munich (2009, 2012), and Ljubljana (2011).
The workshop runs from Thursday the 5th of September until Tuesday the 10th of September 2013. Each of the five workdays of the workshop will start at 9am and will be focused on a specific topic. On Sunday the 8th of September a walking tour in the mountain area around Lugano is planned.
The major aim of the workshop is to stimulate discussion on ongoing research, therefore especially the afternoons are structured very informally.
Everyone, including PhD students, is welcome to participate and/or to present their views on one or more of the covered topics, on one or more days! We welcome any stimulating contribution, ranging from a presentation to a short informal statement.
For more information and a tentative programme, please visit: http://ipg.idsia.ch/wpmsiip2013
Your help in circulating this call for participation will be highly appreciated.
If you want to join the workshop, please contact Alessandro Antonucci (alessandro(a)idsia.ch).
Alessandro Antonucci
Dalle Molle Institute
for Artificial Intelligence
Via Cantonale (Galleria 2)
CH-6928, Manno-Lugano, CH
mail: alessandro(a)idsia.ch web: www.idsia.ch/~alessandro skype: alessandro.antonucci tel: +41 58 666 65 15