Hi all,
The advert below might be of interest to some of you - note the deadline of 20th Feb.
Cheers, Matthias
Research Associate in Statistical Uncertainty Quantification for Energy Systems Modelling
Job Title : Research Associate Grade 7 (£32,004)
Closing date for applications: midday on 20-Feb-2017
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University, UK invites applications for a postdoctoral position, to begin ideally by end April 2017, and for a 30 month period in the first instance.
The post-holder will conduct research in statistical methodology related to the projects
‘Uncertainty analysis of hierarchical energy systems models: Models versus real energy systems’ (http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/K03832X/1)
‘Centre for Energy Systems Integration’ (CESI, http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/P001173/1)
funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
The research will use state-of-the-art statistical methodology for uncertainty analysis in a range of complex computer simulators representing energy economics and engineering systems.
There will be a particular emphasis on developing new methodology for analysing the propagation of uncertainty between linked models.
Exemplars will be drawn primarily from the CESI project – the concept of energy systems integration is coordination of operation and planning of different levels (e.g. national and local) of the energy system, and of the systems for different energy carriers (gas ,electricity, heat etc.)
There will be substantial opportunities for collaboration with other academic disciplines and industrial partners within the CESI project.
This is a 30 month fixed term, externally funded post, formed on the basis of appointment at the bottom of Grade 7 (£31,656) and provided that the successful candidate can commence the role by the end of April 2017. In the event that the appointment is made at a higher salary point, or the start date is later, then the term of the appointment will reduce in length in accordance with the available funding. Provided the extension of grant EP/K03832X/1 is approved by EPSRC, the funding for this position may extend by a further 6 months.
Full details of the position and application procedure may be found at:
Informal enquiries to
Michael Goldstein Professor of Statistics, Department of Mathermatical Sciences, Durham University email michael.goldstein(a)durham.ac.uk <mailto:michael.goldstein(a)durham.ac.uk>