Dear Colleagues,
We have a Lectureship in Statistics available at Durham, which is linked to our Statistics and Mathematics Consultancy Unit. I would greatly appreciate it if you could bring this opportunity to the attention of anybody who you may think would be well-placed for, and possibly interested in, this position. In addition, please feel free to circulate the advert as widely as possible!
Merry Christmas and happy 2014!
Job Details:
Lecturer in Statistics Reference Number 3197 Location Science Site, Durham Faculty/Division Science Department Mathematical Sciences Grade Grade 7 Position Type Full Time Contract Type Permanent Salary (£) 30728 - 36661 per annum Closing Date 14 January 2014
Apply online via:
Job Description:
You will be expected to make a substantial commitment to the research activities of the Statistics & Probability Group, and to undertake teaching and administrative duties as assigned by the Head of Department of Mathematical Sciences. Candidates need to provide evidence of relevant teaching experience at University level and a record of publications at international level.
This position is attached to the Department’s Statistics and Mathematics Consultancy Unit (SMCU). Part of your role will be to engage in industry-related research and outreach as guided by the Director of SMCU, and in time help to grow SMCU’s commercial portfolio. As such, a record of successful generation of external funding for research projects is highly desirable, and potential to do so is essential. To balance the industry-related focus of this post, the teaching load will be reduced from normal. The SMCU makes a significant contribution to the generation of research impact in the Department and an important part of your role will be to develop projects that can generate impact case studies for future research assessment exercises.
Preference may be given to candidates whose research areas are compatible with existing interests of the Statistics Group. Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in the University.
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Durham University is one of the UK's leading research-led universities, with a strong commitment to both teaching and research. The Department of Mathematical Sciences is a large department, with an active programme of internationally recognised research in a broad range of areas, and several popular degree programmes with a very high quality student intake. The Department currently has 57 members of academic staff, conducting internationally excellent research in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics and Probability. There is a strong and active research environment, with many visitors, seminars, international conferences and workshops, and the Department benefits from fully supported computer and library facilities. The Statistics & Probability Group currently has 12 academic staff, 4 Postdoctoral researchers and 15 PhD students. Areas of particular research interest in Statistics include Bayesian Statistics (with specific expertise in Bayes Linear Methods), Foundations of Statistics and Decision Theory (with specific attention to generalized uncertainty quantification) and Applied Statistics (with specific attention to large-scale applications). These areas are combined in ongoing research in large-scale applications, in particular in the area of uncertainty in large-scale physical systems represented by computer models.
SMCU was established in October 1996 with the aim of attracting commercial research and consultancy work to the Department and its members of staff, and with providing the Department with a focus for external liaison for outside and commercial organisations. These activities are core to the University’s stated mission, with respect to supporting the regional economy, commercialising research and enhancing the University’s research infrastructure. Clients range from local companies to multi-nationals, as well as Governmental organisations. Much of the work requires novel statistical methodology and some relies on theoretical work developed in the Department. SMCU participates actively in knowledgeTransfer Partnerships. Some current projects include modelling of e-commerce, deconvolution of well-testing histories, toxicology and modelling of environmental fate, and analysis of uncertainties in drilling of oil and gas reservoirs.
Contact name: Professor David Wooff Telephone: +44 (0)191 334 3121 Email: d.a.wooff(a)durham.ac.uk
Contact name: Professor Michael Goldstein Telephone: +44 (0)191 334 3065 Email: michael.goldstein(a)durham.ac.uk