(sorry for multiple emails)

Dear colleagues

The��3rd school on belief functions and their applications��will take place on September 28th to October 2nd in Stella Plage, a French seaside town located in northern France.

Images int��gr��es 1
The programme and the details of the school are available��here

Confirmed speakers are:

  • T. Denoeux��(introduction to belief functions,��classification, clustering and data analysis)��
  • D. Dubois��(Belief functions and uncertainty theories)��
  • S. Destercke��(On combinations and conflict)��
  • A. Martin��(On belief functions implementations)��
  • P. Shenoy��(Valuation-based systems)
  • E. Miranda��(On random sets and belief functions)��
  • A.L. Jousselme��(On belief functions applications)��
  • D. Mercier��(on belief function correction mechanisms)��

Best regards,

The organisation committee

The university of Artois and the university of Lille 1


David Mercier
Ma��tre de conf��rences �� l'Universit�� d'Artois, IUT B��thune d��partement R&T
Laboratoire de G��nie Informatique et Automatique de l'Artois