FYI, papers on verified computations related to imprecise probabilities are welcome too, especially papers that use interval techniques.
-----Original Message----- From: Csendes Tibor <csendes(a)inf.u-szeged.hu> Sent: Saturday, June 5, 2021 9:18 AM
The 19th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations will be held online between the 13th and 17th of September 2021 (Monday to Friday).
The five plenary speakers will be Jay Mireles James, Fabienne Jézéquel, Kazuaki Tanaka, and the two Moore Prize winners to be announced.
Those interested in presenting a contribution are asked to submit a short abstract (1 to 2 pages in PDF-format) using the LaTeX template.
Submission of the abstract should be done no later than June 30, 2021 by easychair:
The accepted abstracts will be published in electronic form at the web-site of SCAN2020:
and in a printed book of abstracts. At least one author of an accepted abstract must pay the registration fee to be published in the book of abstracts.
The registration fee will be 100 Euro, that contains the volume of abstracts, the online conference environment, and other organization costs. We plan to have special issues of three scientific journals (among them Acta Cybernetica and Reliable Computing).
Please share the information with your colleagues. We are looking forward to seeing you online!
The Organizing Committee: Balázs Bánhelyi (chair), Tibor Csendes, Boglárka G.-Tóth, and Tamás Vinkó
Dr. Csendes Tibor egyetemi tanár, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet H-6701 Szeged, Pf. 652, Hungary csendes(a)inf.u-szeged.hu www.inf.u-szeged.hu/~csendes/ Tel.: +36 62 544 305, +36 30 314 1626, Fax: +36 62 546 397 Anagrammák: Consider best; Drei Cent Boss; Csend, esti bor...