See job advert below - there is some scope for imprecise probability as well.
Cheers, Matthias
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: DENT C.J. <chris.dent(a)durham.ac.uk> Date: Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 8:25 AM
Dear all,
The School of Engineering and Computing Sciences and the Department of Mathematical Sciences, in association with Durham Energy Institute, are part of a major UK academic consortium on “Energy Storage for Low Carbon Grids”, see http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/K002252/1. This consortium brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts from Imperial College, Cambridge, Cardiff, Durham, Leeds, Newcastle, Oxford, Sheffield, St. Andrews and UCL to study in an integrated way the challenges of storage technologies, their integration into power system planning and operations, the design of the necessary market structures, and the associated operational and financial uncertainties. We are seeking an enthusiastic researcher with background in mathematics or in power system but with strong mathematical skills to work within this consortium carrying out research on the value of storage to power systems. The Durham activity is led by Dr. Chris Dent and Prof. Janusz Bialek (Engineering), and Dr. Matthias Troffaes and Dr. Max Jensen (Mathematical Sciences).
This three year post requires well developed research, dissemination and interpersonal skills; the emphasis is on independence and creativity in solving advanced research problems. Topics for study include the value of storage in mitigating extreme events (such as very high demands in the peak season, or very fast increases in net demand), and the value of storage in day-to-day system operation.
Informal inquiries should be directed to Dr. Chris Dent (chris.dent(a)durham.ac.uk). Full details (including how to apply) are available at https://ig5.i-grasp.com/fe/tpl_durham01.asp (search for School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, and the job is called "Power Systems Research Associate").
Best regards, Chris Dent