�� A position for a post-doctoral researcher in the area of robust
��� estimation is available at
��� IDSIA (Lugano, Switzerland, www.idsia.ch). Occupancy degree is 100%.
��� **Job description
��� The position is granted by the Swiss National Science Foundation
��� project "Learning under near-ignorance: models and methods" and focuses on basic research.
��� The goal of the project is to develop new methods for
��� robust estimation based on families of distributions with particular
��� emphasis on prior-ignorance models. In particular, the project aims to develop
��� novel univariate and multivariate, parametric and non-parametric prior models
��� that, starting from very weak assumptions about the problem of interest,
��� lead to meaningful posterior inferences.
��� Of interest of the project is also the asymptotic behaviour of the posterior inferences
��� derived from these models at the increase of the number of observations.
��� The project will be� mostly based� on methodological developments at the
��� theoretical level but it will also focus on the
��� application of these methods to problems in which robustness is an
��� issue such as, for instance, regression, filtering, time series
��� analysis etc. The project is granted by
��� the Swiss National Science Foundation and focuses on basic research.
��� You can obtain further information and references from our website:
��� http://ipg.idsia.ch/.
��� **Requirements
��� -have excellent mathematical skills, preferable in the area of
��� probability and statistics,
��� -have both a Master and a Ph.D. degree in mathematics or statistics or
��� physics or engineering or related area,
��� -have a strong publication record on topics related to statistical
��� estimation, robust estimation, applied probability.
��� -strong commitment to research and publication.
��� **We offer
��� -a two-years position (degree of occupancy 100%), with possibility of
��� prolongation;
��� -international working environment (English is the official language);
��� -funded travels in case of papers accepted by well-known international
��� conferences.
��� **Salary
��� -roughly 72'000 CHF (approx. 60'000 euro) per year. Low taxes.
To apply
��� **Application
��� Applicants should submit the following documents, written in English:
��� -curriculum vitae;
��� -list of exams and grades obtained during the Bachelor and the Master
��� of Science;
��� -list of three references (with e-mail addresses);
��� -brief statement on how their research interests fit the topics above
��� (1-2 pages);
��� -publication list and possibly links to the thesis.
��� Applications should be submitted by 10 October 2012 through the online
��� form at the address:
��� www.supsi.ch/go/bando_robustestimation_researcher_IDSIA
��� Incomplete applications, or submitted to other addresses, or beyond
��� the deadline will be not accepted.
��� For further information please contact
��� Alessio Benavoli,
��� alessio@idsia.ch