Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Professor in Data Science and/or Intelligent Autonomous Systems
Queen's University Belfast - School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Contract Type: Permanent Anticipated interview date: May/June 2016 Closing date: Monday 18 April 2016
We seek to recruit a highly qualified candidate for an academic post to commence in 2016 or 2017 who can build and grow innovative, mission-led research programmes. The candidate should also demonstrate an ability to inspire students and facilitate motivational learning within core undergraduate and specialist postgraduate curricula.
The School is undergoing rapid expansion, as part of major investment from the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS). Delivering against Queen's Vision2020 and beyond, EPS focuses on solving Global Challenges by enabling new forms of interdisciplinary research and education. The investment of EPS in EEECS capitalises on the establishment of the Institute of Electronics, Communication and Information Technology (ECIT), one of Queens four Global Research Institutes (GRIs). ECIT was awarded a 2015 Queen's Anniversary Prize for Further and Higher Education and is recognised for world-leading research excellence. Further EPS investment includes the establishment of a Pioneer Research Programme (PRP) on Intelligent Autonomous Manufacturing Systems (i-AMS), to support research with high impact potential in this area.
We are seeking a candidate who can enhance ECIT's international reputation in the following key disciplines: Data Science & Intelligent Autonomous Systems.
An opportunity is available at Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader or Professor level. The successful candidate will benefit from additional resources such as studentships, engineering and commercial support and will have access to state of the art facilities, including a transformative £14 million Computer Science building opening in September 2016.
Further details on our key disciplines and other candidate information are available at: http://www.ecit.qub.ac.uk/Aboutus/Recruitment/
Informal enquiries may be directed to Professor Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Head of School of EEECS, email: eeecs-hos(a)qub.ac.uk
Anticipated interview date: May/June 2016 Closing date: Monday 18 April 2016
Apply online at www.qub.ac.uk/jobs. For further information or assistance contact the Personnel Department, Queen's University Belfast, BT7 1NN. Telephone (028) 9097 3044 or email on personnel(a)qub.ac.uk.
The University is committed to equality of opportunity and to selection on merit. It therefore welcomes applications from all sections of society and particularly welcomes applications from people with a disability.