Dear fellow imprecisionists,


The 11th Workshop on Principles and Methods of Statistical Inference with Interval Probability (WPMSIIP) will take place in Oviedo (Spain), from July 30 to August 1, 2018.

The information about the workshop is available at:

As is the tradition with this workshop, there will be a strong emphasis on WORK, were all kinds of contributions are welcome, particularly on new ideas, challenges or on-going works. We will organise several half-day sessions with specific themes: currently confirmed sessions are on Learning, led by Sebastien Destercke, and on Computation, led by Matthias Troffaes. Further suggestions and initiatives are most welcome.

If you want to contribute as a speaker for any of these sessions, or even co-lead the day, please contact Ignacio Montes at or the appropriate session leader directly.

There will not be any fees to attend, although there is the possibility to have the accommodation during the workshop for 200 euros. You can find further information about this option, and other possibilities for accommodation, in the website.

Please let us know asap, and no later than July 1, if you wish to take part in WPMSIIP, in particular if you have suggestions about the sessions. We look forward to welcoming many of you in Oviedo and to a successful and enjoyable workshop.

Also, remember that WPMSIIP is collocated with the 8th SIPTA Summer School, which will also take place in Oviedo (Spain) just before the workshop, from 24 to 28 of July, 2018. The information about the SIPTA Summer School is available at:


Best wishes

Enrique Miranda, on behalf of the organization team.

P.S. Please forward this email to anybody you think may be interested to take part in WPMSIIP!