Dear SIPTA Community,
*Executive summary*
Post questions about IP on Stack Exchange sites such as <https://math.stackexchange.com/>, <https://stats.stackexchange.com/>, <https://cs.stackexchange.com/>, and <https://mathoverflow.net/> and notify this list with a link to the question, so that our community's experts can answer them there.
[More in the ‘long version’ below. If you or someone in your network is active on a Stack Exchange site, please do read the ‘search for active SE users’ at the end.]
*Long version*
Our community can make good use of the popular Stack Exchange (SE) Question & Answer sites to educate about and promote imprecise probability. (About Stack Exchange: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_Exchange>.) By answering questions related to imprecise probability theories and applications, we can help others get into the IP field and so make it more accessible, which over time may lead to a growth of our community.
Although others may also be appropriate, there are a number of SE sites especially suited for questions related to IP:
- Mathematics – https://math.stackexchange.com/
- Cross Validated – https://stats.stackexchange.com/
- Computer Science – https://cs.stackexchange.com/
- Math Overflow – https://mathoverflow.net/
What we propose is that we all post any questions we have on these sites and then post a link to this list, so that others in the community can answer the questions there. Also, encourage others such as junior researchers and students in and outside of your group to do so. This will make the questions and answers available in a search engine-friendly way. Multiple answers are possible and up-voting questions and answers as well; this is also something we should do, as a form of completeness and quality control.
Information about our activities on SE will in the future be posted on the SIPTA site <http://sipta.org>, under ‘Sources of Information’.
*Search for active SE users*
We are looking for active SE users that have sufficient ‘reputation’ on a targeted Stack Exchange site to create new tags. This will allow for the creation of, for example, an ‘imprecise probability’ tag. Such tags will allow SIPTA members to easily find IP-related questions and also make it possible to automate posting links to questions on this list. So if you, or someone in your network has or may soon get tag creation rights, please contact us, so that we can coordinate and do this most effectively.
Best regards,
Erik Quaeghebeur & Sébastien Destercke