==Call for papers
PGM 2016 is the eight edition of the International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models.
PGM 2016 will take place in Lugano (Switzerland) between the 6th and the 9th of September 2016. The site of the conference is http://pgm.idsia.ch.
The conference provides a high quality forum regarding the latest developments in probabilistic graphical models.
We welcome contributions on topics such as:
*Bayesian (belief) networks, chain graphs, Markov random fields, decision networks, influence diagrams and other probabilistic graphical models (PGMs); *Information processing in PGMs (exact and approximate inference, sensitivity analysis, etc.); *Learning and data mining with PGMs; *Links between PGMs and statistics, information theory, optimization, and decision making under uncertainty; *Softwares based on PGMs; *Applications of PGMs to real-world problems.
Each submitted paper will be reviewed by three reviewers.
The Program Committee includes about 50 PGM researchers; see http://www2.idsia.ch/cms/pgm/organization/ for the full list.
==JMLR Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published in the proceedings track (http://jmlr.csail.mit.edu/proceedings/) of the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).
==IJAR Special Issue
Selected papers will be invited to be extended and then submitted to a special issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR).
==Submission procedure
The instructions for submission and the author kit are available here: http://www2.idsia.ch/cms/pgm/submissions/. The page limit is 12 pages in the JMLR style.
==Indicative Dates
Deadline for paper submissions May 2016 Notification of acceptance June 2016 Final versions due July 2016 Conference dates September 6-9, 2016
The dates will be made more precise later on.