The DI (Decision and Image) team of the Heudiasyc (Heuristic and Diagnostic Methods for Complex Systems) laboratory recruits one PhD student funded by the French ministry of education.
The thesis topic concern the problem of learning what are the optimal pieces of information one should query to reduce uncertainty and reach a unique optimal decision. Depending on its preferences and skills, the candidate will either focus on active learning or expert elicitation problems. The student work will be performed in close collaboration with experts in the fields of learning and reasoning under uncertainty.
The ideal candidate has a strong commitment to research and to the completion of the PhD program, has strong skills in mathematics or computer science, has good communication skills in English, good programming skills, and ability to work in a collaborative environment.
For Further information, you can contact me (sebastien.destercke(a)hds.utc.fr) or download the application file at https://www.hds.utc.fr/~sdesterc/dokuwiki/_media/en/learning_thesis_subject....
Sebastien Destercke, Ph. D. CNRS researcher in computer science.