Dear Friends,
The deadline for IEEE Series of Symposia on Computational Intelligence SSCI'2015 (Cape Town, South Africa, December 7-10, 2015, http://ieee-ssci.org.za:8080/) has been extended to July 14, 2015.
Many of these symposia are interested in papers using imprecise probabilities, for example, a symposium of Computational Intelligence in Engineering Solutions (CIES), where imprecise probabilities are listed as one of the highlighted topics.
Please note that according to IEEE rules, this is a final extension, no further extension is possible.
-----Original Message----- Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 1:31 AM
Dear Potential SSCI Authors,
Due to numerous requests, a final deadline extension for IEEE SSCI 2014 has been approved. The new submission deadline is 14 July. No further extensions will be possible.
We are looking forward to receive your papers.
Best wishes Andries Engelbrecht General Chair: IEEE SSCI 2015