FYI, papers related to imprecise probabilities -- especially fuzzy-valued -- are always welcome at this series of conferences
From: Ralph Baker Kearfott <rbk5287(a)louisiana.edu> Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 4:00 PM
Please distribute the following Baker
Paper submission and registration are currently available for the 2019 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, held jointly with the annual meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, June 18-22, 2019 in Lafayette, Louisiana. See https://interval.louisiana.edu/IFSA-NAFIPS/index.html for details, including special sessions, keynote speakers, instructions for authors, and on-line registration.
The conference will take place a week before the New Orleans FUZZ-IEEE conference. Shuttles from Lafayette to New Orleans will be scheduled.
The 12-th International Workshop on Constraint Programming and Decision Making will be held at the conference venue a day before the conference; a nominal registration fee will be collected on-site.
There will also be a summer school, given by Ildar Batyrshin, on an Introduction to General Theory of Similarity and Association Functions, to be held during the first two days of the conference, with separate registration, dinner, and discussion. Details will appear shortly.