Dear Colleagues,
Our colleague Michael Beer from Germany - whose research is in uncertainty, including imprecise probabilities -- has just been elected Chair of the European Safety and Reliability Association ESRA https://esrahomepage.eu/ He will be the association chair for 2 years, with the possibility to be reelected for one more 2-year term. Congratulations to Michael!
This organization sponsors annual conferences ESREL'XX.
While this association is officially called European, it has been, in effect, a world-wide association, its conferences attract people from all over the world, and Michael - who has a lot of international contacts and collaborations - plans to actively continue enhancing the international status of his organization.
The association accepts international institutions as members, the cost is only 115 Euros per year, and it brings discounts and other advantages -- see Michael's email below.
Please contact Michael if your organization is interested in joining. I am sending him a copy of this message.
From: Michael Beer [mailto:beer@irz.uni-hannover.de] Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 12:02 AM
my appointment is for the next 2y term and can be extended by another 2 years.
I will use this position to interconnect communities in the field globally and to tie in more leading experts from the field worldwide.
ESRA is accepting membership from international institutions. The membership is for the entire institution. The annual membership fee is only 115 Euros. In return, participants of the ESREL conferences from the member institution get a discount of usually 100 Euros on fees. That is, when 2+ participants from the institution attend, it already pays off. If 5 participants come, it counts down 500 Euros, which is about one free ticket.
Furthermore, membership would involve you in the developments and give you a nice exposure in the community.