Hi, all.
I'm writing to let you know about the AXA 2-year postdoctoral Fellowship on BASIC research dedicated to “A better understanding of Risk”. More details are below.
At Queen's University Belfast, there is a first round evaluation since only two proposals are going to be passed on to AXA. If you have interest or know someone who has, let me know. Internal decisions will be taken in November and the proposal will be sent to AXA in December. This is obviously not restricted to Queen's, you might be interested in applying from elsewhere too.
best, cassio.
Cassio P. de Campos, Dr. habil. Reader - Knowledge and Data Engineering School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Queen's University Belfast Email: c.decampos(a)qub.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)28 9097 6795 Web: http://www.cs.qub.ac.uk/~c.decampos
The projects must fall within the following general areas of Risk:
Life Risks: Aging and long-term care; Biomedical Risks eg infectious disease or exposure to new technologies; Addictions and risky behaviour Environmental Risk: climate change; natural hazards; human driven environmental changes eg pollution Socio-economic Risks: Geopolitical risk; Macro-economic and financial systemic risk; Individual and collective behaviours relating to uncertainty; Large corporate risks
Candidate Criteria · Must be LESS than 5 yrs since award of PhD · International exposure of candidate – It is expected that most of the selected candidates will move to another country between their current and targeted post-doc position”. It does state that a minimum of 1 semester spent abroad since Master’s thesis will suffice. Where a candidate will remain in the same institution for the post-doc fellowship a clear justification for this will be required.
For more details: https://www.axa-research.org