Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to announce our upcoming SIPTA online seminar on imprecise probabilities (IP). These monthly events are open to anyone interested in IP, and will be followed by a Q&A and open discussion. They also provide an occasion for the community to meet, keep in touch and exchange between in-person events.
The next seminar will take place on the 31st of January (Wednesday).
The zoom link for this seminar is https://utc-fr.zoom.us/j/86165930800
For this new seminar, we are very happy to have Matthias Troffaes as our speaker. Matthias Troffaes is Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, and is a past SIPTA president, as well as the co-author of the book Lower previsions. Matthias Troffaes is both interested in the theory and practice of imprecise probabilities, having made fundamental core contributions to the theories of imprecise probabilities, as well as having applied them to environmental or engineering issues such as land crop management or the wind industry.
On the 31st of January, at 15:00 CEST:paris time (up to 17:00 CEST, with a talk duration of 45min/1h), he will talk about "Fundamentally finitary foundations for probability and bounded probability”. Curious? Then check out the abstract on the webpage of the SIPTA seminars: sipta.org/events/sipta-seminars. The zoom link for attending the seminar can be found on that same page. So please mark your calendars on the 31st of January, and join us for the occasion.
And for those who missed the previous seminar and want to catch up, or simply want to see it again and again, it is online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBgehsbawVY
See you at the seminar!
Sébastien, Enrique and Jasper