Dear IP enthusiasts,
This is a small mesage to remind you all that the very first SIPTA seminar will take place this monday. To say that we are very much looking forward to it would be an understatement. Here are some key information:
Speaker: Gert de Cooman
Title: Imprecision, not as a problem, but as part of the solution
Zoom link: https://utc-fr.zoom.us/j/84038691673
Abstract: Imprecision in probability theory is often considered to be unfortunate, something to be tolerated, and then only if there is no other way out. In this talk, I will argue that imprecision also has strongly positive sides, and that it can allow us to look at, approach and deal with existing problems in novel ways. I will provide a number of examples to corroborate for this thesis, based on my research experience in a number of fields: inference and decision making, stochastic processes, algorithmic randomness, game-theoretic probability, functional analysis, ...
Be sure to take a look at https://sipta.org/events/sipta-seminars/ where you can find additional information.
See you on monday!
Sébastien, Enrique and Jasper