- IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications * Special Issue on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty and Vagueness http://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/PRUV-SI15/
PRUV 2014 was the first Workshop on Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness. This workshop was associated to the Vienna Summer of Logic.
The aim of PRUV is to bring together people from different communities (such as the Artificial Intelligence and the Semantic Web community, among others), including theorists and practitioners, working on logics for reasoning about preferences, uncertainty, and vagueness.
Making researchers aware of and fruitfully discuss the most recent application areas, new challenges and the existing body of work on logics for reasoning about preferences, uncertainty, and vagueness, respectively is the main goal of the meeting.
After a successful workshop, the IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications now invites submissions to a special issue on the topics of PRUV.
== Submission Deadline ==
** June 21st, 2015 **
== TOPICS ==
We welcome submissions relating logic with preferences, uncertainty and vagueness.
Some logics of interest are:
- first order logic,
- propositional logic,
- logic programming,
- answer set programming,
- description logics,
- modal logic,
- dynamic logic,
- temporal logics,
- defeasible logics,
- agent logics.
Formalisms for handling preferences, uncertainty and vagueness include, but are not limited to
- probability measures,
- Bayesian networks,
- possibility measures,
- preference networks,
- CP-networks,
- rough sets,
- fuzzy set theory.
All accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the IFCOLOG Journal of Logics and their Applications (http://www.collegepublications.co.uk/journals/ifcolog/).
Submissions must be prepared in LaTeX using the IfCoLog style (http://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/PRUV-SI15/ifcolog.cls).
All submitted manuscripts must contain original material not previously published or currently under review in any other journal. Submissions extending results previously published at a conference or workshop are welcome.
Submissions will be made via EasyChair:
More information is available at the special issue webpage