Dear colleagues,
This may be of interest to some of you - note the deadline of 31 January for abstracts.
Cheers, Matthias
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ullrika Sahlin <ullrika.sahlin(a)cec.lu.se> Date: Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 9:44 AM Subject: Invitation to session on Info-gap theory in safety and reliability assessments
Welcome to submit a paper to a special session on Info-gap theory in safety and reliability assessments at the next European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL to be held in Zürich September 7 – 10th 2015.
Besides hosting some state-of-the art applications of info-gap theory in assessments the aims of this session are to
Demonstrate the potential of using info-gap theory to deal with weaknesses in underlying information or uncertainty arising from making severe extrapolations.
Discuss basic concepts behind info-gap theory and how these relate to concepts of risk, uncertainty and decision theory.
Encourage novel applications of info-gap theory to treat and communicate epistemic uncertainty in the space between uncertainty quantified by knowledge-based Bayesian probabilities and uncertainty quantified by non-probabilistic measures.
This session is organized by Dr. Ullrika Sahlin and I am happy to provide you with further information.
Deadline for abstract submission is January 31st. The paper submission system is now open, http://esrel2015.ethz.ch/system/index.php/esrel/2015/login. Don’t forget to indicate the special session at abstract submission or send us an email that you would like to be part of this session.
Please forward this invitation to people in your network that may be keen in contributing!