Dear colleagues,
In the context of ECDA conference taking place in Paderborn, we are organizing a special session on imprecision in statistical learning. Informations about the special session and the conference can be respectively found at:
Here is some relevant information you might be interested in:
-- To give a talk, you only need to send a title and abstract, i.e., no full paper is required. The abstract submission deadline is April 1st. When submitting the abstract, please make sure you mark it as a contribution to the special session. Of course, you also need to register for the conference, once your abstract is accepted.
-- Full papers will be published as post-proceedings in the newly launched Journal "Archives of Data Science, Series A" after the conference. Submission to the post-proceedings is offered to all participants, but is not compulsory. Submitted papers will undergo a standard review process.
-- The normal time slot for a talk in a session will be around 20-25 minutes.
Best regards
Sebastien Destercke and Thomas Augustin
Sebastien Destercke, Ph. D. CNRS researcher in computer science.