19th International Conference on Information Processing and
   Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 
                          (IPMU 2022)

July 11th-15th, 2022, Milano, Italy

The  IPMU  conference  is  organized  every  two  years  with  the  aim of bringing together scientists working on information processing and the management of the many aspects of uncertainty.
It also serves as an ideal forum for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners in these and related areas.
The next edition of IPMU will be held in Milano, Italy from July 11th to 15th, 2022.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 19th IPMU Conference, we invite researchers to submit original  research  contributions  (theoretical, methodological, applications) and/or to organize a special session on a specific topic within the scope of the conference which includes (but is not limited to) the following topics:

Theory,  Methods  and  Tools:
Measures of Information and Uncertainty
Bayesian and Probabilistic  Methods    
Evidence, Possibility and Utility Theories
Fuzzy, Rough, Intuitionistic, etc. sets and operators
Fuzzy Logic and other non-classical Logics
Multiple Criteria Decision Methods
Aggregation Methods
Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Reasoning
Graphical Models
Machine Learning  
Evolutionary Computation
Neural Networks
Data Analysis and Data Science.

Application  Fields:
Big Data
Smart Cities
Image Processing 
Intelligent Systems and Information Processing, 
Logistics, Transportation and Routing
Information Retrieval  and  Fusion
E-Health, Medicine and Bioinformatics
Fuzzy Optimization


Special Session Proposal: November, 19th, 2021
Notification of special session acceptance: November, 30th, 2021

Submission of full papers: January, 14th, 2022
Notification of acceptance: March 1st, 2022
Camera ready copies due: April 15th, 2022

Conference: July 11th-15th, 2022