Table of Contents - Newsletter September 2013 |
New White Paper: Introduction to Bayesian Networks and BayesiaLab |
BayesiaLab Courses in India in September |
BayesiaLab User Conference in
Orlando, Florida, October 23/24, 2013 |
BayesiaLab Tech Days in Bangalore and Gurgaon |
Just Released: BayesiaLab 5.2 - Download a Trial Today (Win/Max/Linux) |
New White Paper: Introduction to Bayesian Networks and BayesiaLab
In this new introductory paper, we present Bayesian networks (the paradigm) and BayesiaLab (the software tool), from the perspective of the applied researcher. We will present them in the context of “analytic modeling”, juxtaposing them with traditional statistics and more recent innovations in data mining.

Download the white paper (no registration required) |
BayesiaLab 5.2 Released
As the second major release of this year, BayesiaLab 5.2 once again raises the benchmark in the field of analytics and data mining software. The improvements range from small practical features that make your analysis workflow easier, to the entirely redesigned optimization tool, which is now based on a genetic algorithm. Better than ever, you can comprehensively search for scenarios that optimize the target variable in your Bayesian network.
Visit our BayesiaLab Knowledge Base & Library to learn about all the new features of BayesiaLab 5.2 in detail. |
3-Day BayesiaLab Courses in India in September
 After a completely sold-out program in Bangalore this past February, we will be returning to India with more BayesiaLab courses in September!
Learn the foundations of Bayesian Networks and how to use them as a practical research framework with the BayesiaLab software platform in this 3-day course.
Who should attend? Applied researchers, statisticians, data scientists, data miners, epidemiologists, predictive modelers, econometricians, economists, market researchers, knowledge managers, marketing scientists, students and teachers in related fields.
Click on course location to register:
BayesiaLab Tech Days in Bangalore and Gurgaon
The BayesiaLab Tech Day program features several hour-long seminars throughout the day, plus a keynote reception in the evening. Each seminar will be focused on one self-contained case study of a real-world application of Bayesian networks and BayesiaLab.
Click on location to see the program and to register:
BayesiaLab - the Leading Software for Knowledge Discovery and Reasoning with Bayesian Networks |
Contact Us |
Bayesia USA
312 Hamlet's End Way
Franklin, TN 37067, USA
Phone: +1 888-386-8383
Fax: +1 615-656-5782
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Bayesia Singapore
20 Cecil Street
#14-01, Equity Plaza
Singapore 049705
Phone: +65 3158 2690
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Bayesia S.A.S.
6, rue Léonard de Vinci
53001 Laval Cedex
Phone: +33 2 43 49 75 69
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