Dear colleagues,

I am glad to announce that my new book 'The geometry of uncertainty - The geometry of imprecise probabilities' is finally out

part of the Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, Theory, and Algorithms of��Springer Nature Group.

The book is the result of almost ten years of hard work, and is arguably the most complete compendium of mathematical uncertainty theory, and of the theory of belief functions or Dempster-Shafer theory in particular.

The core of the book summarises in one place my��#geometric��approach to��#uncertainty��theory, in which��#measures��are represented as points of a��#convex��space and there manipulated.

The last part proposes an agenda for the future of the field.

The bibliography comprises 2100+ references.



Fabio Cuzzolin
Professor��of Artificial Intelligence
Director of the Visual Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Member of the Board of the Institute for Ethical AI
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford, UK

My office hours are Monday10-11am and Tuesday 10:30-11:30.