Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to let you know that we have extended the full paper deadline for ISIPTA (International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications) by one week. Here are all the important dates you need to know if you intend to submit a (long) paper:
Extended Submission deadline: 9th February (final)
First decision to authors: 28th March
Final decision (for papers needing revision): 18th April
Registration deadline: 1st June
And, in case you still do not have time to prepare a proper paper, you are very much welcome to submit a one-page abstract to be presented as a poster
- Poster submission deadline: 27th April, followed by a quick decision.
We look forward to welcome you all in Bielefeld!
ISIPTA program committee board
Sébastien Destercke Alexander Erreygers Max Nendel Frank Riedel Matthias Troffaes