Dear Executive Editor at SIPTA,
I hope this email finds you well this April. My name is Stephanie Cohen, and I'm the Acquisitions Editor for Physical Sciences at Elsevier's STEM Education Textbook program, based in New York, NY. I was hoping to send out a call to your list-serv for individuals who would be interested in authoring a new textbook.
Recently, I've been researching and gathering faculty feedback on a range of related courses in Statistics & Probability, so that I can better understand student and professor needs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as current resources. We have identified Probability & Statistics as an area where a new, carefully considered textbook may be empowering both for students and faculty, both here in the U.S. and globally. Currently a smattering of different textbooks appear to be in use.
Currently, I am seeking potential author(s) for a title in this vein, as well as further feedback or suggestions, and would be very open to any thoughts you may have, or your own in involvement in authoring a textbook. There is certainly room for adjustments or textbook topics other than the proposed one above for a new textbook-happy to discuss!
Thank you. I would be glad to share more information about our book development processes as well, or have a call to answer any questions anyone might have.
All my best, Stephanie Cohen
Stephanie Cohen Acquisitions Editor, Physical Science Textbooks ELSEVIER | Global Content Partners St.cohen@elsevier.com<mailto:St.cohen@elsevier.com>