Dear all,

as I was invited to speak at this event, I would like to draw your attention to the�� Bayesian, fiducial and frequentist (BFF) series of statistical conferences.
You can find attached the related announcement.

There is thriving community of statisticians in the US interested in imprecise probabilistic methods, and you have met some of them at the latest ISIPTA. It would be great to start cross-fertilising the two communities across the pond, possibly by inviting each other in the TCP of the relevant conferences.

The BFF series began in 2014 with the goals of facilitating the exchange of research developments in Bayesian, fiducial and frequentist (BFF) methodology, to bridge gaps among the different statistical paradigms, stimulate collaborations, and foster opportunities for involvement of new researchers. Over the last four years, these meetings have served as a platform for comparing and connecting methods and theory from the differing, yet related, BFF perspectives.

The 2018��BFF5��will focus on the theme of ���Foundations of Data Science���. Invited talks (with the length of 30 minutes) are encouraged to be aligned with re-examining the role and reporting new advances on the foundations of statistical inference in this new era of data science. This year, we are also offering short courses on fiducial statistics and confidence distributions on Sunday, May 6, followed by the main conference on May 7-9.�� The short courses will prepare conference attendees to better participate in the scientific programs of the main conference.�� A conference banquet is planned for the evening of Monday, May 7. Dr. Glenn Shafer will be the banquet speaker. ��



Fabio Cuzzolin
Professor��of Artificial Intelligence
Head of Artificial Intelligence and Vision
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford, UK