Dear colleagues,
See below, another ESREL special session that might be of interest to our community. Although not as explicitly mentioned, imprecise probability contributions (e.g. robust Bayesian methods for risk & reliability modelling) are also very welcome.
Cheers, Matthias
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ullrika Sahlin <ullrika.sahlin(a)cec.lu.se> Date: Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 10:20 AM
Welcome to submit papers and to a special session on "Bayesian modelling to handle epistemic uncertainty in risk and reliability” at the next European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) to be held in Zurich, September 7-10, 2015. The session is organized by Dr Ullrika Sahlin Lund University, Dr John Paul Gosling University of Leeds and Dr Kevin Wilson University of Strathclyde who can provide further information.
This special session aims to give a broad overview of applications of Bayesian modelling to handle knowledge-based uncertainty in assessments and decision making. We welcome both applied and conceptual contributions in dealing with knowledge-based uncertainty using a Bayesian framework. For example, contributions are sought on the applications and theoretical considerations of expert elicitation, characterising uncertainty in model parameters and structure, learning strategies and evidence synthesis.
The deadline for submitting a 400-word abstract is January 31st.
Author guidelines can be found here: http://esrel2015.ethz.ch/?page_id=29
The paper submission system is now open: http://esrel2015.ethz.ch/system/index.php/esrel/2015/login.
Don’t forget to indicate the special session when submitting your abstract, or send Ullrika an email (ullrika.sahlin(a)cec.lu.se) indicating that you would like to be part of this session.
We look forward to hear from you Ullrika, John Paul and Kevin