Dear Colleagues,
IPMU next year takes place at TU Eindhoven (NL) on June 20th to 24th:
Working as a postdoc in Eindhoven since February (but not in the group that organizes the conference), I was wondering whether anyone of you is either considering to attend, or intending to submit a proposal for a special session. If several of you are considering the former but no one seems to do the latter, I would volunteer to organize a special session on imprecise/interval probability methods, together with Frank Coolen, preferably with a focus on reliability with IP.
It is a little urgent, as the deadline for special session proposals is October 31st:
I would be glad to hear from you soon and to meet you in Eindhoven in June 2016!
Best wishes, Gero Walter
P.S.: You can answer to either g.m.walter(a)tue.nl or gero.walter(a)stat.uni-muenchen.de