FYI, papers related to imprecise probabilities are always welcome at this series of conferences


From: de Almeida e Santos Nogueira, R.J. []


[Apologies for cross posting]


Below please find some updated information about IPMU 2016 16th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU 2016 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE-CIS.


Eindhoven, The Netherlands

20-24 June 2016



* Paper Submission deadline approaching


The IPMU 2016 deadline for paper submission of January 22nd, 2016 is rapidly approaching. All papers should be submitted through the IPMU 2016 online submission system (EasyChair) at

The proceedings of IPMU-2016 will be published in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) with Springer.


* Keynote speakers


IPMU 2016 is pleased to announce the first keynote speakers:

- Chris Dyer, Carnegie Mellon University.

- Joseph Halpern, Cornell University.

More information:


* Facebook page


Information about IPMU 2016 can also be found on Facebook:

Get in touch, share, like. We can also answer your questions through this page.


* Call for papers


IPMU'2016 invites researchers to submit original research contributions of theoretical and methodological nature as well as application-oriented work.

Click here for the call for papers:


* Important dates


Paper submission (extended):                    January 22nd, 2016

Notification of acceptance:                          March 1st, 2016

Camera-ready paper submission:              March 31st, 2016

Early/author registration:                            March 31st, 2016

Conference:                                                      June 20-24th, 2016

Tutorials:                                                           June 20th, 2016


For more information, please visit: