FYI, appropriate papers dealing with uncertainty, be it interval, fuzzy, AI, or imprecise probabilities, are welcome at this series of conferences


From: ���������� <>
Sent: Friday, April 3, 2020 2:25 AM

Dear colleagues,


It is our pleasure to invite you to take part in the International

Conference on Information Technologies (ICIT-2020) that will be

held on December 3-4, 2020 in Yuri Gagarin State Technical

University of Saratov, Russia. The conference focuses on

information and communication technologies for sustainable

development and technological change. It emphasizes the development

and globalization of IT education and research, along with

innovations and networking, active learning, ICT for sustainable

development and technological change, global challenges. Moreover,

the ICIT conference serves as discussion area for the actual ICT

topics: artificial intelligence, automation control theory, smart

city technologies, security, cloud computing, virtual reality etc.

The conference topics are:


���             Information Systems for Industry and Research


���             ICT For Energy Efficiency and sustainability


���             Data and Network Security & Safety


���             Ontology based data simulation


���             Smart city technologies and Internet of things


���             Theory and the use of digital signal processing


���             Distributed Calculations & Cloud Computing


���             Cognitive Systems, Robotics


���             Knowledge based decision making systems


���             Cybernetics and Automation Control Theory


���             Image & Sound Processing, image recognition technologies,

computer vision


���             Virtual & augmented Reality Applications


���             Mathematic modeling of industrial and social processes


Researchers, academics, educators, IT experts and business

representatives from all over the world are welcome to take part

and to submit papers to ICIT-2020. The deadline for registration

and paper submission is April 30, 2020. Conference language is



All papers are reviewed together by Russian and international

experts and will be published as the conference proceedings. The

publication will be submitted for indexing to SCOPUS, ISI, DBLP,

Ulrichs, MathSciNet, Current Mathematical Publications,

Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt Math: MetaPress and

Springerlink. All information you can find at the conference



The paper submission is organized via Springer OCS, registration



For easy reference (how to prepare the paper) please visit the Key

Style Points on For more detailed information, please

visit the Book Manuscript Guidelines on


In case of any questions feel free to contact the organizers at:


Olga Dolinina, Director of the Institute of Applied information

technologies and communications, +7 8452 998715,,


Daria Cherchimtseva, assistant to the director, + 7 8452 998667,,


In case of possible quarantine measures the conference will be held

as on-line one.


We are looking forward to meet you at ICIT-2020!