Assistance in reasoning under inconsistencies for uncertainty resolution
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI)
Consistency, Conflict, Uncertainty, Fusion, Belief Functions, Dempster-Shafer Theory, Anomaly, Knowledge Engineering, Human-Systems Integration.
September/October 2023, 36 months
CIFRE scholarship (junior engineer position during the thesis)
The work will possibly be carried out on several sites located in France: at the CS GROUP Research Lab (Paris-Saclay); at the CS GROUP offices in La Garde in the Toulon area; within the Laboratory of Computer Engineering and Automation of Artois (Béthune).
The objective of this thesis, situated in the field of human-centered artificial intelligence, is to develop a formal and tooled approach for reasoning assistance in the presence of inconsistent information, framed in belief function theory. More detail available here: https://www.lgi2a.univ-artois.fr/spip/en/open_positions/
Prof. Frédéric Pichon (frederic.pichon@univ-artois.fr <mailto:frederic.pichon@univ-artois.fr>), Laboratory of Computer Engineering and Automation of Artois (LGI2A) Dr. Anne-Laure Jousselme (anne-laure.jousselme@csgroup.eu <mailto:anne-laure.jousselme@csgroup.eu>), CS Group France Dr. Edwige Quillerou-Grivot (edwige.quillerou@inrs.fr <mailto:edwige.quillerou@inrs.fr>), FlexTech CentraleSupélec – ESTIA Chair.
The candidate must hold a master degree or an engineer degree in computer science or related field, and *must be a national of EU countries, the United Kingdom or Switzerland*. Knowledge in artificial intelligence will be an asset, as well as an awareness of cognitive sciences. Qualities required to successfully complete a doctoral program such as curiosity, creativity, autonomy, critical thinking, and enthusiasm will be necessary.
Send *before June 12, 2023,* an e-mail, with all supervisors of the thesis in copy, containing the following documents in a single pdf file: your CV, a cover letter, your transcripts (with rankings) of the current year (master or equivalent) and previous years, and, optionally, up to two letters of recommendation.