Dear SIPTiAns and IP enthusiasts,
We are thrilled to announce that SIPTA will soon host its very first online seminar on imprecise probabilities (IP); the start of what will hopefully be a long series of engaging talks on IP and its applications. These monthly events are open to anyone interested in IP, and will be followed by a Q&A and open discussion. They also provide an occasion for the community to meet, keep in touch and exchange between in-person events.
For our first seminar, we are very happy to have Gert de Cooman as our inaugural speaker. He has been a strong advocate of IP for over 20 years, was a founding member and the first president of SIPTA, and contributed to the foundations of IP ever since.
On the 30th of May, at 15:00 CEST, he will open our series with a talk on “Imprecision, not as a problem, but as part of the solution”. Curious? Then check out the abstract on the webpage of the SIPTA seminars: sipta.org/events/sipta-seminars. The zoom link for attending the seminar will appear on that same page shortly before the event. So please mark your calendars on the 30th of May, 15:00 CEST, and join us in opening this series with a bang.
See you at the seminar!
Sébastien, Enrique and Jasper