-----Original Message----- From: SMPS2020
Dear colleagues,
As you certainly know, the undesirable circumstances in connection with the COVID-19 have not improved enough with respect to the ones we had some months ago, causing the delay in organizing the 10th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics (formerly SMPS’2020). The uncertain situation and the way it is still affecting Spain (organizing such an edition) and most of countries in Europe, America, and so on, have moved us, in agreement with Core SMPS Group, to decide to stop with the former and even the second plannings for the conference.
As we have already commented, because of the nature of this conference, we have discarded to consider a virtual version. It seems much better to postpone it waiting for the moment in which uncertainty only concerns our research topics (hopefully in 2022).
We will inform you all in a more accurate way in due time.
Thank you for your understanding and support! Take care!
-- Luis A. García-Escudero Alfonso Gordaliza Agustín Mayo-Íscar Universidad de Valladolid (IMUVa), Spain General Chairs SMPS2020