9th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications
20-24 July 2015
Pescara, Italy
Website with up-to-date information on all aspects of the conference:
Scientific program contact: isipta15(a)easychair.org Local organization contact: isipta15(a)unich.it
*Important Dates*
1 Feb - Paper abstracts due (*no preliminary paper required at this date*) 20 Feb - Review-ready papers due (*deadline extended*) 31 Mar - Conference hotel pre-reservation deadline 08 Apr - Paper notification 17 Apr - Poster-only abstracts due 06 May - Poster-only notification 29 May - Early-bird registration deadline (€350 full; €200 student)
*Scope & Symposium Format*
ISIPTA is the primary international forum to present and discuss new results related to imprecise probability.
We welcome both theoretical and applied original contributions. In this edition, we especially welcome papers connecting imprecise probabilities with related research in fields such as economics, philosophy, sociology, and engineering. There will be no parallel sessions. Each paper that is accepted is presented both (i) in a plenary session, meant for a short introduction and a sketch of the context and relevance; and (ii) in a poster session, where ample time is given for in-depth explanation and discussion.
The poster-only track provides a second, free format presentation option. It is also open for preliminary results, challenges, etc.
*New: non-proceedings papers*
To adapt to different publication cultures in different fields, we introduce a new option: the non-proceeding papers. Authors may request that their contribution is not published in the proceedings in case this precludes later publication of an expanded journal version. The PC Board will decide on a case-by-case basis. If accepted, a one-page abstract will be published in the proceedings, and the paper must be freely available on-line (e.g., as a working paper).
*Invited Speakers*
Massimo Marinacci Department of Decision Sciences, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Itzhak Gilboa Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel-Aviv University, Israel & HEC, Paris, France
Peter M. Williams Department of Informatics, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK & BW Mining, Brighton, UK
*Special Issue*
After the conference, a special issue with a selection of the accepted papers will be published in an expanded version in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
*Steering Committee*
T. Augustin (LMU München, Germany) + PC Board G. de Cooman (Ghent University, Belgium) S. Doria (University G. d'Annunzio, Italy) + Local Organization E. Miranda (University of Oviedo, Spain) + PC Board E. Quaeghebeur (CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands) + PC Board T. Seidenfeld (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
We look forward to your contribution and to seeing you in Pescara!