Dear Mik, Erik, and Friends,
I'm no scholar of the term 'gamble', but it's been used by many decision theorists��in closely related senses.
For instance, Savage's (1954) section��5.2 (titled 'Gambles') uses it within his theory (of��subjective expected utility)��to refer to the equivalence class of simple acts that carry the same (personal) probability distribution over consequences.�� Savage is generalizing the von Neumann-Morgenstern sense of 'gamble'.
I grew up with the von Neumann-Morgenstern's theory of cardinal utility for gambles -- though vN-M use an extraneous concept of 'probability' in contrast with Savage's approach.
On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 7:12 PM, Professor Bickis <> wrote:
Can someone answer this question?
Was it Walley who initiated the word ���gamble��� to use in place of the classical ���random variable���?�� De Finetti uses ���random quantity���, as does Williams.�� ���Gamble��� is ubiquitous in the current literature, but I have not seen it anywhere prior to Walley���s 1991 book.
Walley does not seem to attribute the term to anyone else.
Mik Bickis
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