FYI, imprecise probabilities are one of the highlighted topics
-----Original Message----- From: Cassio de Campos Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 10:29 AM
https://www.auai.org/uai2021/call_for_workshops Submission deadline: March 8, 2021, 23:59 UTC
We invite submissions of workshop proposals for the UAI 2021 conference. Workshops will be held virtually on July 30th following the main conference. Each workshop will be allocated half a day, starting at 6am or 6pm US Pacific Time.
The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum for research topics that are relevant to the UAI community, with emphasis on the discussion of open problems and challenges. Workshop organisers will be in charge of arranging participation, content, and moderation of the workshops.
A significant portion of the workshops should be dedicated to contributed content. Workshop organisers can decide whether contributions will consist of full papers or (extended) abstracts.
We encourage workshop organisers to consider diversity aspects when creating the lists of invited speakers and panellists. In particular, we welcome the inclusion of early-career researchers.
In addition to the aspects above, proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
• Relevance to the UAI audience
• Potential impact
• Quality & clarity of the proposal
• Organisers' relevant expertise
The workshops should comply with the following requirements
• Call for papers/abstracts: Before April 15th
• Paper/abstract submission deadline: Between May 15th and May 31st
• Paper/abstract notification: Before June 30th
Submission Instructions
Important dates:
• Submission deadline: March 8, 2021, 23:59 UTC (this is a strict deadline)
• Notification: April 2, 2021
Proposals should be in single column A4 or letter .pdf format, with font size 11 or greater, and no longer than two pages (excluding organisers’ details and bibliographic references). Proposals should be sent to the following email address: uai2021workshopchair(a)gmail.com.
Proposals should contain
• Workshop title
• A description of the topics to be covered and an explanation of why the workshop is of interest to the UAI audience
• A short description of the planned activities (talks, posters, panels)
• An indicative list of invited speakers and panelists, specifying who is confirmed and who is unconfirmed
• A brief description of the history of the workshop, if it previously took place, and of similar past workshops at other major AI/ML conferences in the last 2 years
• List of organisers with email addresses and webpage URL (or a short bio for organisers who do not have a webpage)
Silvia Chiappa UAI 2021 Workshop Chair uai2021workshopchair(a)gmail.com https://www.auai.org/uai2021/