FYI, please note that imprecise probabilities are explicitly mentioned as one of the topics
From: farhan khawar [farhan.khawar(a)gmail.com] 2nd Round IUKM 2013 CALL FOR PAPERS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IUKM2013 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making Beijing, 12-14 July, 2013 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2nd Round of Call of Papers for IUKM 2013 is announced and submissions are still open.
Important dates:
-Paper Submission (Full Paper): 24 February 2013 -Notification of Acceptance: 20 March 2013 -Final Paper Submission: 15 April 2013 -Authors' Registration: 1 June 2013 -IUKM 2013 Conference Dates: 12-14 July 2013
Website: http://icmll.buaa.edu.cn/IUKM2013/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Following IUM 2010 in Ishikawa(Japan) and IUKM 2011 in Hangzhou(China), IUKM 2013 will be held at Beihang University, Beijing ,China between 10th and 12th of May 2013.IUKM 2013 aims to bring together worlds' specialists in the field of uncertainty management who will have an opportunity to debate throughout the conference and exchange research results, ideas as well as their experience towards developing applications.
Solving complex practical problems often requires the integration of data and knowledge from different relevant sources and further takes uncertainty and impreciseness into account. This gives rise to the demand for innovative methodologies and efficient techniques of managing and integrating various types of data and knowledge with uncertainty/imprecision so as to ultimately improve the solution to any such complex problems in practice. This symposium aims to provide a forum for exchanges of research results, ideas for and experience of application among researchers and practitioners involved with all aspects of uncertainty management and application.
Its objectives are outlined as follows: -to bring together researchers working on uncertainty formalisms in information and knowledge systems; -to attract researchers working in social sciences (economics, business, management and environmental sciences) who are interested in applying uncertainty-related tools and techniques; -to bring together researchers and practitioners in order to foster the collaboration on research and application involving uncertainty management; and -to present and discuss open research problems and novel applications.
IUKM2013 calls for papers that report original research results on (but are is limited to) the following topics:
Theory and Methodology: -Uncertainty formalisms: Bayesian probability, Dempster-Shafer theory, imprecise probability,random sets, rough sets, fuzzy sets and interval methods; logics for uncertainty reasoning -Information fusion and knowledge integration in uncertain environments -Decision making under various types of uncertainty -Aggregation operators -Copulas for dependence modelling -Granular and soft computing -Type-2 Fuzz set
Applications: -Data mining and knowledge discovery -Ontology engineering and Semantic Web -Software engineering -Medical informatics and bioinformatics -Ranking and recommendation systems -Kansei engineering and evaluation -Engineering management -Supply chain management -Management of services -Environmental and economics sciences -Social Network Analysis -Social Network Mining
Abstract and Paper Submission:
Electronic abstract and paper should be submitted through the IUKM 2013 submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iukm2013.
If you can't login the submission system, please try to submit through email: Email: iukm2013(a)gmail.com (.pdf and .doc)
The proceedings of IUKM 2013 will be published by Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence from Springer and will be indexed by EI, DBLP. The Best Paper Award of IUKM 2013 is sponsored by Elsevier and after the Symposium, the authors of the best ranked papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their work for consideration in a special issue of International Journal of Approximate Reasoning from Elsevier.
Best Regards, Farhan Khawar IUKM 2013 Conference Secretary