From: Andreas Rauh
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 6:48 AM

Dear Colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to announce the Special Issue "Reliable Modeling, Simulation, Identification, Control and State Estimation for Dynamic Systems with Uncertainty" that will appear in the OpenAccess Journal Frontiers in Control Engineering.

You will find further information about this SI on the following web page:

Please feel free to submit a tentative title and abstract (not mandatory) by April 18, 2021.

The important deadline to keep in mind will be August 16, 2021 for submitting full papers which will then undergo a thorough peer-review process.

Please note that the article processing charge for this journal will be 950USD if your paper is accepted. Information about certain national and institutional funding programs for financing OpenAccess publications as well as details about Frontier's fee support program for institutions with certain financial restrictions can be found on the following web pages:

We are looking forward to receiving interesting contributions.

Best regards

Andreas, Ekaterina, Olivier, Bernd


Details about the Special Issue


During the synthesis and verification of robust procedures for stabilizing controllers and state estimation schemes, engineers need to deal with missing knowledge about parts of a system���s structure, model simplifications, imprecisely identified parameters or external disturbances and noise influencing both system inputs and outputs. Therefore, uncertainty ��� in all its different forms such as aleatory or epistemic ��� is omnipresent in modeling, simulation and parameter identification of dynamic systems in each area of engineering, making its quantification and propagation an important research direction.

Until approximately the 1960s, the major possibility to deal with uncertainty was through probability. Since then, many other approaches or generalizations of the classical probability theory have appeared. Now, they are tailored for a given application and type of uncertainty. For instance, techniques from the area of interval and set-valued computation can be employed for representing and propagating bounded uncertainty (more generally, methods with result verification). Moreover, robust model-predictive control strategies, Lyapunov methods for a guaranteed proof of stability despite uncertainty, or robust stochastic filtering techniques can be used.

With the focus on uncertainty, this research topic article collection aims at bringing together methods from the areas of a robust control and estimator synthesis with strategies for an offline verification of performance and stability in the earliest possible design stages. In addition, we plan to highlight novel mathematical foundations and aspects for software implementation of those strategies. Finally, contributions dealing with real-life applications from the areas of energy systems, robotics, marine technology and control for biomedical and life science will be highly welcome.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
- Interval methods for verified simulation of dynamic systems
- Uncertainty quantification and propagation in engineering
- Control-oriented modeling and identification of complex dynamic systems in engineering
- Reliable distributed control and state estimation procedures
- Lyapunov techniques for control and observer design
- model-predictive control for linear and nonlinear dynamic systems
- Robust control and estimation
- Optimization of systems with uncertainty and disturbances
- Applications to the control of energy systems, robotics applications, marine technology and biomedical processes


PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Rauh
ENSTA Bretagne
29806 Brest, FRANCE

mobile: +49 176 72353185
Skype: live:andreas.rauh_1