Re: [SIPTA] [Second CfP] AMAI Journal Special Issue on Uncertain Reasoning (extended deadline)

FYI, imprecise probabilities is one of the highlighted topics
-----Original Message----- From: Alessandro Antonucci Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 5:52 AM
Special Issue on Uncertain Reasoning of the Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
:: Second Call for Papers (Paper Submission Extended to August 31st) ::
The AMAI Journal (Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, will publish a special issue on Uncertain Reasoning (UR) to collect extended versions of papers already accepted by the Uncertain Reasoning Special Track of the 33rd International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (UR(a)FLAIRS-33). The special issue is also open to other contributions in the field of reasoning under uncertainty. Topics of interest include, but is not limited to:
- UR formalisms and methodologies based on probability, possibility, fuzzy logic, belief functions, vagueness, granularity, rough sets, imprecise probability, probabilistic logics;
- Probabilistic graphical models (e.g., Bayesian networks, Markov random field, probabilistic circuits);
- Multi-agent and decision-making UR, planning, Markov decision process, temporal and non-monotonic reasoning;
- argumentation theory and belief revision;
- knowledge graphs, ontologies and description logics;
- UR in information retrieval and data fusion.
:: Submission Guidelines ::
Guidelines for the preparation of the manuscript can be found on the Springer website ( To submit their manuscript the authors should access the AMAI editorial manager ( When asked to select the article type the "S703: Uncertain Reasoning" item should be selected. All the papers will undergo a standard review process.
:: Important Dates (tentative) ::
- Papers submission: August 31st, 2020
- Notification decisions: October 30th, 2020
- Revised manuscripts: December 15th, 2020
- Final decisions: February 15th, 2021
- Camera ready: March 30th, 2021
:: Contacts ::
For any additional information about the special issue please contact the guest editors:
Alessandro Antonucci IDSIA, Switzerland alessandro(a)
Salem Benferhat University of Artois, France benferhat(a)
Kamal Premaratne University of Miami, US kamal(a)
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