a short update on isipta'2023

Dear fellow Siptians,
While we will be sending more detailed information after the holidays, I'd like to give a small update on the organisation of the upcoming ISIPTA. Further details can be found at our website https://isipta23.sipta.org/. You may also check our twitter @isipta2023 for regular updates. A few key points:
-Our plenary speakers shall be Gert de Cooman (Ghent University), Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford) and Michel Grabisch (University Paris I).
-We shall also make a hommage to the late Terry Fine.
-There shall be a poster award and an IJAR young researcher award. The award committees are Ruobin Gong, Alexander Erreygers, Davide Petturiti and Raul Pérez-Fernández (poster award) and Inés Couso, Denis Mauá and Paolo Vicig (IJAR award). Further details shall be given around February.
-There will be 4 fellowships to support the attendance of young students, funded by Artificial Intelligence. Details will be given after acceptance of papers/poster abstracts.
-The deadline for abstract submission is January 29 and of paper submission, February 5.
Looking forward to welcome you all in Oviedo in July!
Best regards,
Enrique Miranda
participants (1)
Enrique Miranda