[SIPTA] [Call for Participation] Translating V. P. Kuznetsov's 1991 "Interval Statistical Models"

Dear SIPTA members,
This is a call to participate in the project to collectively translate Vladimir P. Kuznetsov's 1991 “Interval Statistical Models”. If you are interested, please read on and reply to me at e.quaeghebeur(a)tue.nl to indicate your degree of interest.
Kuznetsov's 1991 “Interval Statistical Models” is an early text in the domain of imprecise probabilities <http://www.sipta.org/index.php?id=kuznetsov>. It is currently only available in Russian. Some years ago, SIPTA was allowed to make the text freely available <http://www.sipta.org/index.php?id=res#kuz>. SIPTA also has been given the right to create a translation of the text.
A project to enable such a collective translation of the book has been set up under the umbrella of SIPTA, initiated by Enrique Miranda and myself. With the help of some others, we have done a first effort, to show that a full translation is feasible, given time and persistence. The current state can be found at <https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/hAgjxS8SyGhxmUt>. The end goal is a publishable translation, but the effort may prove useful long before that goal is reached.
Everyone can contribute and is encouraged to participate. People that know Russian are obviously very valuable as translators or translation-correctors. However, many tasks do not require knowing Russian (beyond Google translate): transcribing math, recreating figures in TikZ, looking for translation grants, recruiting native Russian speakers, project management, etc. We track individuals' contributions, so that everyone involved can be given due credit.
The project is housed on GitHub, as a (currently) private organization. SIPTA members interested in just having a look or participating should send their GitHub user name to me at e.quaeghebeur(a)tue.nl in reply to this message. I will give you access and initiate follow-up steps in case you express an interest to participate. (Please have patience if I do not act or reply promptly; as a side project, I plan the limited time I can spend on it.) In case you want to participate, but strongly prefer not to go through GitHub, contact me as well. If you already know in which way you prefer to contribute, please say how in your mail.
We look forward to your expressions of interest!
Best regards,
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participants (1)
Erik Quaeghebeur