[SIPTA] CFP: IPMU Special session on Uncertainty and Machine Learning

*Apologies for multiple postings.*
Your help with circulating this announcement locally is much appreciated.
Dear colleagues,
We are organizing within the IPMU conference (http://www.ipmu2014.univ-montp2.fr/ ) a special session focusing on:
Uncertainty in Machine Learning
In this special session, we would like to focus on specific problems where:
(1) training and testing data are scarce or uncertainly known and require an appropriate treatment
(2) models are not based on the usual i.i.d assumptions and require more complex modelling
(3) the decision step is not a precise/classical one and may allow for abstention or cautiousness
Topics of interest includes machine learning problems (sequence prediction, on-line learning, multilabel problems, preference learning, classification, ...) and the use of uncertainty models (possibility distributions, imprecise probabilities, belief functions, rough and fuzzy sets) within them.
Submission: 9 December Notification: 24 February Conference: 15-19 July
A detailed Call for paper can be found at http://www.ipmu2014.univ-montp2.fr/pages/sessions/MachineLearning.pdf
If you plan to submit a paper, please let us know by mailing us.
Best regards
Thomas Burger and Sébastien Destercke
participants (1)
Sébastien Destercke