Two new posts on the SIPTA blog

Dear IP enthusiasts and sympathizers,
Still looking for some weekend reading? The SIPTA blog<> has got you covered with not one but two new — or at least recently new — posts. You can learn more about Arianna Casanova’s doctoral research on rationality and desirability<>, or eavesdrop on a conversation between Michele Caprio and Eyke Hüllermeier<> on Eyke's career, the challenges of using imprecise probabilities in the field of machine learning, and much more.
Expect more blog posts like this in the near future!
Kind regards,
Alexander Erreygers SIPTA's Executive Editor
PS: In the SIPTA Seminar on 30 April 2024, Christoph Jansen will be speaking about decision making under weakly-structured information; read the abstract of his talk here<http://localhost:1313/events/sipta-seminars/>.
participants (1)
Alexander Erreygers