[SIPTA] [ECSQARU 2017] Call for Papers - Deadline Extended (March 3, 2017)

Due to several requests, ECSQARU 2017 is extending the paper submission deadline to Friday, March 3, 2017.
::: CALL FOR PAPERS ::: http://ecsqaru.idsia.ch
The Fourteenth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2017).
The biennial ECSQARU conferences constitute a major forum for advances in the theory and practice of reasoning under uncertainty. Contributions come from researchers interested in advancing the scientific knowledge and from practitioners using uncertainty techniques in real-world applications. The scope of the ECSQARU conferences encompasses fundamental issues, representation, inference, learning, and decision making in qualitative and numeric uncertainty paradigms.
Previous ECSQARU events have been held in Marseille (1991), Granada (1993), Fribourg (1995), Bonn (1997), London (1999), Toulouse (2001), Aalborg (2003), Barcelona (2005), Hammamet (2007), Verona (2009), Belfast (2011), Utrecht (2013), and Compiègne (2015).
ECSQARU 2017 will be co-located with ISIPTA '17, the Tenth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications.
The joint event will be held in Lugano (Switzerland), on July 10-14, 2017.
::: SCOPE :::
For ECSQARU 2017 we invite submissions of conference papers on topics which include but are not limited to:
- Algorithms for uncertain inference
- Applications of uncertain systems
- Argumentation systems
- Automated planning and acting under uncertainty
- Belief functions
- Belief revision & merging
- Classification & clustering
- Decision theory & decision graphs
- Default reasoning
- Description logics with uncertainty
- Foundations of reasoning under uncertainty
- Fuzzy sets & fuzzy logic
- Game theory
- Imprecise probabilities
- Inconsistency handling
- Information fusion
- Learning for uncertainty formalisms
- Logics for reasoning under uncertainty
- Markov decision processes
- Possibility theory & possibilistic logic
- Preferences
- Probabilistic graphical models
- Probabilistic logics
- Qualitative uncertainty models
- Rough sets
- Uncertainty & data
We are delighted of having the following invited speakers:
- Leila Amgoud (IRIT, France)
- Alessio Benavoli (IDSIA, Switzerland)
- Jim Berger (Duke University, USA)
- Didier Dubois (IRIT, France)
- Eyke Hüllermeier (Paderborn University, Germany)
More information about the speakers available here: http://ecsqaru.idsia.ch/invited-speakers
In accordance with the previous conferences, the proceedings of ECSQARU 2017 will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series. Authors are requested to prepare their conference papers in the LNCS/LNAI format. Submitted papers will be evaluated by peer reviews based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference to present their work.
Instructions for submission and author's kit available here: http://ecsqaru.idsia.ch/submissions-ecsqaru
- Friday, March 3, 2017: Paper submission
- Tuesday, April 18, 2017: Author notification
- Friday, April 28, 2017: Camera-ready copy due
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a special issue of the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR, Elsevier).
We also invite applications for the Springer Young Researcher Award. The prize (1000 Euros), granted by Springer, will be awarded to one young researcher for excellent research in fields related to the ECSQARU scope. Applicants should have submitted a paper (not necessarily as first authors) to ECSQARU 2017. Applications should be received by the paper submission deadline (March 3, 2017).
More information about the award available here: http://ecsqaru.idsia.ch/young-researcher-award-ecsqaru
Alessandro Antonucci IDSIA Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Via Cantonale (Galleria 2) CH-6928, Manno-Lugano, CH
mail: alessandro(a)idsia.ch skype: alessandro.antonucci tel: +41 916108515 web: www.idsia.ch/~alessandro
participants (1)
Alessandro Antonucci