[SIPTA] Imprecise probability theories for statistical problems: why? how? when?

======================================================================== Imprecise probability theories for statistical problems: why? how? when? CFE-ERCIM 2012 (1-3 Dec 2012, Oviedo, Spain) Organized Session
Dear friends and colleagues,
A session on imprecise probabilities theories for statistical problems (why? how? when?) is being organized at the next CFE-ERCIM conference, that shall take place in Oviedo (Spain) on 1-3 December 2012: http://www.cfe-csda.org/ercim12/
The idea of the session is to have position/applied/theoretical papers discussing the point of using IP theories, their advantages/disadvantages and in which case they may prove useful (compared to classical approaches).
Abstracts should be submitted by 5 September 2012 (preferably before 15 July) through the online submission tool by selecting the organized session
ES62: Imprecise probability theories for statistical problems: why? how? when?
Please let us know if you plan to submit an abstract.
Organizers: Marco Cattaneo, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany (cattaneo(a)stat.uni-muenchen.de) Inés Couso Blanco, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain (couso(a)uniovi.es) Sébastien Destercke, French National Research Center, Heudiasyc Joint Unit, France (sdestercke(a)gmail.com)
Best regards, Marco Cattaneo
-- Marco Cattaneo, Dr. sc. math. Department of Statistics, LMU Munich http://www.statistik.lmu.de/~cattaneo/
participants (1)
Marco Cattaneo