[SIPTA] IFSA-EUSFLAT2015 - Special Session on satistics with uncertain data - Call for Papers

************* IFSA-EUSFLAT 2015 special session *************
Your help with circulating this announcement locally is much appreciated. Apologies for multiple postings.
Dear colleagues,
We are organizing, within IFSA-EUSFLAT 2015 (http://www.softcomputing.es/metaspace/portal/12/407-home?pms=1,333,407002,vi...), a special session on the topic:
Statistical inference and learning with uncertain data
In this special session, we would like to attract contributions dealing with the following issues:
- Modeling of uncertain data
- Inference and decision from uncertain data
- Data uncertainty reduction/disambiguation
All submission touching on one or more of these topics are welcomed.
Details about the call can be found in at http://www.softcomputing.es/metaspace/portal/12/513
Submissions should follow the guidelines of IFSA-EUSFLAT (see http://www.softcomputing.es/metaspace/portal/12/451-submissions?pms=1,333,45...)
Important dates
– 16th January 2015: paper submission – 16th March 2015: notification of acceptance – 30th June - 3rd July 2015 : conference
Any question or request related to this special session can be addressed to one of the organizers:
- Inés Couso, Universidad de Oviedo, couso(a)uniovi.es
- Sébastien Destercke, HEUDIASYC, Compiegne, sebastien.destercke(a)hds.utc.fr
- Luciano Sanchez, Universidad de Oviedo, luciano(a)uniovi.es
- Olivier Strauss, LIRMM, Montpellier, strauss(a)lirmm.fr
Best regards.
participants (1)