[SIPTA] CfP: KI Journal Special Issue on "Challenges for Reasoning under Uncertainty, Inconsistency, Vagueness, and Preferences"

KI Journal Special Issue on "Challenges for Reasoning under Uncertainty, Inconsistency, Vagueness, and Preferences" http://www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/
Gabriele Kern-Isberner (University of Technology Dortmund, Germany)
Thomas Lukasiewicz (University of Oxford, UK)
Managing uncertainty, inconsistency, vagueness, and preferences has been extensively explored in Artificial Intelligence. During the recent years, especially with the emerging of smart services and devices, technologies for managing uncertainty, inconsistency, vagueness, and preferences to tackle the problems of dynamic, real-world scenarios have started to play a key role also in other areas, such as information systems and the (Social or Semantic) Web. These application areas have sparked another wave of strong interest into formalisms and logics for dealing with uncertainty, inconsistency, vagueness, and preferences. Important examples are fuzzy and probabilistic approaches for description logics, or rule systems for handling vagueness and uncertainty in the Semantic Web, or formalisms for handling user preferences in the context of ontological knowledge in the Social Semantic Web. While scalability of these approaches is an important issue to be addressed, also the need for combining various of these approaches with each other or more classical ways of reasoning have become obvious (hybrid reasoning under uncertainty).
The aim of the special issue is to collect overview articles on important state-of-the-art formalisms and methodologies, as well as articles on emerging trends for the future.
Submissions are solicited in all areas of uncertainty, inconsistency, vagueness, and preferences handling, including (but not restricted to) the topics listed below:
- logics of uncertain and vague reasoning, such as probability logic, possibilistic logic, and fuzzy logic
- reasoning with inconsistent knowledge, paraconsistent logics
- rough sets and similarity measures
- formal models and semantics of uncertain data
- spatio-temporal uncertainty management
- uncertainty and inconsistency in the (Semantic) Web
- changes and merging of ontologies
- preference formalisms and user preferences
- data sharing and uncertainty
- recommender systems
- connections to information retrieval, data mining, and machine learning
- applications, in particular to mobile systems and social networks
The special issue welcomes especially submissions that combine different approaches of uncertain reasoning, or that elaborate on connections of uncertain reasoning to other fields.
Deadline for submissions: Dec 31, 2015
Submissions must be prepared in LaTeX using the KI style available at: http://www.kuenstliche-intelligenz.de/index.php?id=autorenhinweise
All submitted manuscripts must contain original material not previously published or currently under review in any other journal. Submissions extending results previously published at a conference or workshop are welcome.
Submissions will be made via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kiruivp16
participants (1)
Thomas Lukasiewicz