[SIPTA] automatically (?) updated online bibliographies on different topics

Dear Vladik, Dear Friends,
[...], but my impression was that most units use some free software tools to do it. I asked around a little bit, the colleagues whom I ask do not know which software is the easiest to use, [...]
Regarding software, there are the publicly available ones that do not require technical management, such as BibSonomy <http://www.bibsonomy.org/> and Zotero Groups <https://www.zotero.org/groups/>. If management of the database by SIPTA were to be considered, there are self-hosted options such as WikIndx <http://wikindx.sourceforge.net> and refbase <http://www.refbase.net>.
All of these are web-based and therefore platform-independent; all of these allow BibTeX import & export, which seem to me essential requirements.
Maybe some formal or informal interest groups can launch such a system?
And if someone figures out how to set up such a database, others can copy the arrangement? This will be very helpful to our community.
The first step would be to have people test options such as the ones I've mentioned. Anybody: if this interests you, please don't hesitate to test a system and get back with a small report as a reply to this thread. The upcoming ISIPTA in Pescara would be the ideal opportunity to discuss this idea and make concrete plans if enough people support it.
participants (2)
Erik Quaeghebeur